Precision Demand Programs

to Meet Your Pipeline Goals

INFUSE enables you to configure programs that best align with your GTM strategy, buyers and accounts you want to engage, markets you serve, and, of course, your demand outcomes and measurements that are important to you.

What is your role in the demand and revenue generation process?
Choose an option that best describes your role today.
What outcomes do you need to achieve from your current demand programs?
Chose an option that fits best.
How are you currently measured (what are your success metrics)?
Select all that apply.
How do you qualify leads?
Choose an option that best fits your current processes.
How are you following up on leads?
Choose an option that best fits your current processes.
How is your sales-marketing alignment?
Choose an option that best describes your current organizational structure and pain points.
Let’s talk about your current use of data and buyer and account intelligence.
Choose an option that best fits your current processes.
Finally, in context to revenue and demand generation what does your current Martech stack look like?
Choose an option that best describes your organization today.